However, following this the Marine returns to work on Mars (but this was not the last time he would fight the forces of hell or a Cyberdemon). UAC records state that there were no survivors. It was when it passed through the portal from Hell. Kronos created the Cyberdemon again by combining UAC technology with the Harbinger's flesh. Later after getting some psychological treatments on earth, he returned to Mars, where the evil Dr. Blazkowicz) killed a cyber demon with a soulcube not long after he was sent to Mars (Doom 3). Some point in the future, a Marine (apparently named B.J. Blazkowicz (Doom), Stan Blazkowicz) in the future, which takes place in the events of Doom as the Cyberdemon. that he will continue to fight his descendents ( B.J. defeats the demon after a lengthy battle using the Spear of Destiny. He is a paranormal monster that comes from another dimension to serve as Harbinger of Apocalypse. Harbinger of Doom, is the final boss of Wolfenstein RPG (in the level 'Harbinger').